Importance of preserving rainforests

Ecosystems, they make the world go, all of the abiotic and biotic factors compliment each other in either a good or bad way, left natural eco systems work perfectly because it’s the way everything in the ecosystem was made to do. But when you put humans into the matter they mess everything up because they don’t get how ecosystems work. Preserving ecosystems is extremely important because if all the ecosystems were destroyed, basically we wouldn’t be here.

The most important animal that we must preserve is the dung beetle, it may not seem important but it is because eats or breaks up dung, which releases the nutrition and energy into the soil for plants to grow. If dung beetles were wiped out because of deforestation all the plants basically would die because dung cannot break up on its own.  This is just one example of why preserving ecosystems is important.  It’s just the way everything works.

Rainforests are being destroyed mostly because of their trees and nearly every second one and a half acres of rainforests are destroyed, that’s over 6000 square metre’s a second being destroyed! Medicine for cancer usually come from plants in rainforests, think of how many plants that could be really helpful to people around the world who are sick and all these plants are just getting destroyed for money. Rainforests once covered 14% of the world’s surface but now due to deforestation they only cover 6% of the world’s surface scientists estimate that the remaining rainforests will be wiped out in less than 40 years.

The Amazon rainforest is often called the “lung of the earth” because it produces almost half of the world’s oxygen and if it eventually gets wiped out were all doomed.  This is a really serious thing that the world needs to start thinking about; right now there are groups of scientist trying to stop deforestation but actually not enough to save the forests. We just need to get the message into people’s heads and maybe deforestation will slow down, if not stop.