Tropical Rainforest contain 90% of the world’s animals and insect species are found there. They contain 2/3 of the world’s organisms. Insects make up the largest group of animals that live there. They are butterflies, beetles, ants and stick insects and spiders. Amphibians such as frogs, toads and salamanders live in the rainforest because it is a damp habitat for them to lay their eggs. Reptiles also live their. Tropical rainforest snakes include boas, pythons, vipers and cobras. Lizards, such as iguanas, geckos and chameleons. Different kinds of fish live in rivers and lakes in the rainforest. Piranhas live in lakes and rivers in Central and South America. The glass catfish live in Malaysia and Indonesia and there skin is clear like glass. You can even see their bones and organs inside there body. Birds such as parrots, macaws and lorikeets and also the Indian peacock also live in tropical rainforests. Large cats like jaguar’s tigers, monkey’s chimpanzees and gorillas and orangutangs. Hoofed mammals like rhinoceroses and antelopes.